Ceramic creations :
The Collections
Claire Fréchet composes a metaphoric world as she develops her fine art in ceramics. The different collections tell oneiric stories that evolve and dialogue constantly.
« To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour »
William Blake, Auguries of Innocence
Spaceberry are harvested along an imaginary journey through Space-Time – elastic, dense, granular and smooth. Every sculpture tells over its textures and shapes the story of Matter that rolls up and down when the energy of fire goes through it.

These voluptuous sculptures embody sensual nests and large spinning tops at the same time. They perform a sensitive exploration for both eyes and hands. The shapes have multiple sides, from where can emerge strange lifes, enchanting dreams, in a word : an endearing cosmic moult.

Some have concave, others have convex shapes … All these sculptures express the powerful interactions between plants and stones underscored by light and shade subtile phenomenoms. Polished, eroded surfaces evoke a skin caressed by the elements at the dawn. Nature and Culture together …

What if these spheres contained the secrets and promises of our inner worlds ? At a time when scientists are discovering numerous exoplanets, we can imagine here and now new worlds like dense bubbles of promises, wishes and horinzons.

Wall artworks : Fairel
Scales, wings, stars clusters : these groups of bas-reliefs forms are novel and sparcklings compositions. Inspired by the natural phenomenom on Earth and in Space. They are designed to portray the vivid choregraphies found in matter. The mosaic of semi-precious stone imbues the panels with life.

Wall artworks : Symbiosis
Symbiosis is a phenomenom essential to life ; its consists of the beneficial association of two living organisms. As a metaphor of this still singular and so fertile prodigy, I have chosen to assemble several bas-reliefs inspired by movement in all its forms, travelling on the wall, with crystallized minerals encrusted in the ceramic like symbiotes of the same origin, which evokes the long geological time from which they come.